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Tuition fees

Fees are set at the beginning of the academic year, in late September or early October. The fees change from year to year due to inflation and fluctuations in the number of pupils enrolled. The actual fee for a particular child depends on the number of teaching hours per week. This is typically 3 for Primary and 6 for Collège, but may be 8 or more in some classes depending on the options studied. For most children, the fees per instalment will be as set out in the following table. Fees are billed in two instalments. The first invoice is sent out in October and the second invoice in February.

Fee Scales for the Academic Year 2024-2025



For CP-CM1 students, 33€ is added to the first invoice to cover theatre activities.

For CM2 students, 33€ is added to the second invoice to cover theatre activities.


Fees are reduced by 30% for a third child, 40% for a fourth child and so on.


Invoicing Rates settings

Invoicing rates are defined by the information provided by parents when registering their children in our database: address, country of residence, employer subsidy.

It is the family's responsibility to ensure that registration is complete and that the billing information we have on record is correct. Instructions for checking/amending invoice rate settings can be found here. In case of incomplete registration the association will only correct invoices and collections for the current school year but will not make reimbursements for prior school years.


Fee collection

The above fees are shown as the sum of two instalments.  The invoice for the first instalment is issued mid October and the second instalment is invoiced in February. In addition, charges for books, school trips and any exam or university application fees are included on top of tuition fees. A new member fee of 100€ is charged once to families new to the Programme.

Please note that, when you are enrolling your children, you commit yourself to pay fees for the whole school year.  Pro-rata reductions are available for children joining the Programme during the school year. Partial reimbursements may be made in certain cases when children have to leave the Programme before the end of the school year, if sufficient advance notice is given.

It remains the responsibility of parents to settle bills by the due date, irrespective of whether they receive an education subsidy from an employer.

We may offer reduced fee rates, depending on the eligibility of parents for an educational subsidy from their employer. Please note that, as a French association providing English Language education within the French public education system, reductions can only be considered for families resident in France. Details of available fee reductions can be obtained on request from the Programme's finance department (finance@enpferney.org).