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Mathematics department


Curriculum overview

Broadly speaking, English National Programme mathematics follows the English National Curriculum. In 6ème and 5ème, topics are chosen on their importance in mathematics and to support future study in ENP Maths. During 4ème and 3ème students follow a two-year programme in statistics and probability, important topics in the support of science, social studies and humanities and an understanding of which are important in today’s data driven society. In 2nde students return to studying a more traditional Maths curriculum, including algebra and geometry as well as statistics and probability. In 1ère we offer a selective course in which students study pure maths topics in more depth, continue their study of statistics and probability and add the important topic of Mechanics.  The challenging nature of this course means we assess students' suitability and aptitude before confirming their place. 


Assessment and qualifications

All year groups are assessed through quick tests in class, homework tasks and end of unit tests. Each year group will have 3 more involved tests through the year which will challenge them on all the topics met during the year. Students in 3ème take the GCSE exam in statistics. 2nde students take the exam in IGCSE mathematics and 1ère students take the GCE AS-level maths exam. All these exams are recognised by UK and International Universities.

Homework and learning resources

Each student is given a textbook which follows the course for the year and provides excellent notes and exercises on each topic studied. In addition, the department uses MyMaths, an online resource which offers tutorials, tasks and immediate feedback. Many homework tasks will be completed online with Mymaths, students will also be asked to complete homework tasks from their text books. In 1ère students will be asked to complete pre-reading/study tasks before attending lessons to enable maximum progression through the course.